Monday, January 9, 2012

Making Progress

Randy got a lot of work done on the chicken coop this weekend. My granddaughter calls it the "kitchen poop". She's two-years-old and cute as a button. Randy got the inside wall up this weekend. He had to counter-sink the siding so there wouldn't be any gaps to fill. He also got the roof beams up in the hen house. The door from the hen house to the run is made from the siding, so when it's closed you can't tell there is a door. A friend of mine replaced her front door and gave me her old door. This will be the outside door that goes into the hen house. Randy got an old window out of a bus at work that he's going to put in the hen house to let in the sunlight. He's also talking about putting a screen door with a lock on the hen house so that on hot summer days we can open it to allow a breeze. He's making a long vent between the hen house and the run, but the screen door would really keep it from being so stuffy. Here is what is looks like so far:
It started snowing today. I'm hoping it clears up by this weekend so Randy can get more work done! Have I mentioned how wonderful he is?

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